Dream Life

by Chris Noel

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Hey GUY's i'm BACK! I was thinking of letting Dreamlife die out, but, i just got a email from a WEBMASTER! They liked my comic enough to put it into there archive! So Dreamlife is gonna stay! As you can tell, I know a little HTML & i'm really not that good yet.

Oh speaking of the webmaster, i need to add a link to his directory, well here it is Kick Granny!

Anyway i've just updated my website, at

Disclaimer: Please be advised that the work displayed herein is a work of fiction & any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. (except for the main characters. All names except for the three, are not the true names of the real life counter parts. Only three names are of the actually counter part, & they have given me permission to use there names in my comic strip.) Plus, the views and opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of the cartoonist who expressed them. None of the comics will be made to insult a certain Minority or any group. (Within a certain gap, I may make a joke or two, but this intended to please the reader, not to insult any group they are associated to.)Please be advised that if I do insult somebody or group of people is a true accident. I did not" intend this comic for this.
All rights reserved. All of the main characters are copyrighted by me the cartoonist.
If you need to contact me or you have something to say to me , please reply to gamer_d58@hotmail.com Also i will no longer respond to emails that don't have any subject.

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